St Paul's Worship Centre North Shore, Blackpool
St Paul's Worship CentreNorth Shore, Blackpool

About Us

St Paul's is part of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Blackburn. Christians believe God is love and that Jesus Christ shows that love in human form. We try to make his teachings and example the pattern for our daily lives and the model for our faith.

Our History

The church is dedicated to St Paul (died c.64/67AD), a devout Jew who became a Christian after experiencing a vision of Jesus. He travelled thousands of miles across the Roman Empire spreading the gospel message.  The letters he wrote to the churches he founded form some of the earliest and best known parts of the New Testament.


St Paul's Church has a proud history stretching back to 1885:

St Paul's Worship Centre

Egerton Road

Tel. 01253 353900



Bus nos. 3 or 4

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© Blackpool, St Paul, North Shore 2020