What's On
There is a lot to get involved in at St Paul's so come and try something new. For children's activities, including Scouts and Guides, see our Children & Families page.
All sorts of people, doing all sorts of things ...
1st and 3rd Wednesday each month
£1.00 donation
St Paul's charity fundraising and social group meets for quizzes, talks, games and events like meals and theatre visits. We'd love suggestions for social activities or community fundraising, so come along to get involved.
Coffee Morning
Saturday 8th February 2025
Entrance £1.20 which includes refreshments
You are invited to join us for drinks, biscuits and friendship from 10.30am onwards.
Come and browse the bric a brac stall and sample our delicious home made cakes from the cake
Contact Hazel (Churchwarden): Email, tel. 07575 060900
Join us for a chat and tea or coffee 50p and bacon sandwiches 80p
Thursday mornings 10.30am - 12pm
Local town Councillor available for advice between 10.30 -11.00 am
Contact Hazel (Churchwarden): Email, tel. 07575 060900
Ecumenical Prayer Group
Tuesdays 9.30-10.00am
An opportunity to pray with others, including those from different Christian backgrounds.
Contact Angela (Licensed Lay Minister): Email,
tel. 01253 358205
Jumble - Now
Regular Rummage Sales
Next jumble sale and auction Monday 10th February 2025 6.30pm Refreshments
All items gratefully received, sorted and sold to raise money for the work of St Paul's. If you have items to donate, please contact Hazel to arrange home collection or bringing your delivery to church.
Contact Hazel (Churchwarden): Email, tel. 07575 060900
Liberty Church
Sundays 6.30-8.30pm
An inclusive church for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered people and all who affirm them, which meets at St Paul's.
Sassy Sewers
Tuesdays 1.00-3.00pm
A friendly sewing, knitting and crafts group which is looking for new members. Cost £2 per session. If you would like to try us, please contact Chris: Tel. 07779 817271